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IPJ Persian Char-set Home

The Story...

Finally, I finished my plan of designing a new character-set for the Persian Language in 1997, an ISO-8859 compatible character-set. I tried my best to design the most useful standard, using all my ability and experience in using and working with different systems through the years.

Here, from now on, is the support page and the origin for this new char-set, that I have code-named it as IPJ or ISO-PJ, sorry I am lazy and simple in selecting the names, and I will welcome your suggestions for a better name. Here we will also discuss why this character set has benefits over the other ones and why we can use it much better than the existing Farsi standards.

I also want to use this page as a source of info and font, keymap, editors, patches and font designing guidelines to improve the IPJ and I will try on registering the set to the ISO . I have already contacted with the ISIRI to prove the set and work on it.

For a full detailed explanation of why I tried to make a new character-set, please click here


IPJ Character Codes

Here is an ISO table of the character positions comes:

IPJ ISO Compatible Character Table


IPJ Character Codes

In the Table below, you will find the codes for every character in the IPJ character-set:

IPJ Character Codes


How to Contact

If you have questions or you can help improving this char-set, please do not hesitate to contact me by email.


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